Wow! It's been interesting weather around here!
Less than 2 weeks ago we had snow! It was crazy! We woke up to the sounds of *
shish shish* against the open screens of the windows and this is what you could see out the window!

It's kind of odd because now? There is a drought in our area and it has not rained (or snowed -
LOL) since this day.
Well, I'm going to try and be more active here on my Blogs this summer. I have to admit, I've been lured into
Facebook FAR too much and it's been using up most of my free time. Time when I could have been writing here sharing adventures and keeping you all posted in the neat things going on around the shop.
With that said, Wicked Stones also has a
Facebook page you can check out. You can use
this link if you'd like to become a fan there. :)
Well it's time for me to get the early afternoon going. There is a box of really huge crystals sitting on the kitchen table that I've been itching to work with. I picked them up yesterday and WOW are they fabulous! There is a mix of Brazil and Arkansas clusters that are just oh, my amazing!!
I'm going to try and be a bit more
diligent and get some pictures taken so you can see what's been keeping us busy here :)
Have a great day everyone!