Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wicked Wheels!

Hey! I forgot to mention this...
Wicked Stones is MOBILE once again!!
Yippee!!! Some of you knew that we parked "Maeve" (our old green van) last fall as the back window was broken and the mice decided to make a home out of the entire vehicle..
WELL! Wicked has gone MOBILE once again!! After six months of thinking about it, we got off our butts and bought our new Wicked Mobile... It's a beautiful Grand Caravan!
Now we're looking for an airbrush artist to do his (or her) magic and spruce up Loki (that's the name by the way due to a few personal reasons that I think I'll keep to myself ;-).
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE our new rock mobile! I cant wait for our first adventure west to Algoma (which should be in about a months time just when the ice starts to break off the shore line)..

Web Site Overhaul

Hmm.. I thought I would just peek my head out from behind the keyboard to let everyone know that we have "not" fallen into a deep dark hole!

I'm in the middle of changing the entire site around - so if it seems that we've fallen off the planet and not updating the site? Stay tuned.. and expect MAJOR changes in about 3 weeks time. I've been dabbling with new site ideas since last year (2006) and just itching to get to it. But with orders pending and stock growing, it seemed that I would never find the time to do it. So this past week I decided that unless I just threw myself into it and started tearing the website apart? It was NEVER going to be done.

SO I'm slightly overwhelmed right now as everything (on this end) is in turmoil! Not to worry though, from your point of view.. you can still order, send us special requests and so on.. just dont panic if you are not seeing things changing on our main page as much as it usually does.

New things are afoot! And I cant WAIT for you to see what we've created!!!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Celtic Show

Well we simply had a blast this past weekend at the local Celtic Fair..

As for photos? Well I know Rob took a few, I had forgotten my camera again... things were kind of hectic as I was not sure if Rob was going to be home or not for this event... and some things got left behind once again.

I'd like to thank everyone who came to our tent!! You all made this show a wonderful time for both Rob and I!! Thank you!!!!

 Greetings visitors!! If you have somehow mysteriously found this blog, welcome to the history of Wicked Stones ! Our Blog story here starts...