Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Turtle stops traffic

Today was a smile making day.

Leaving town today (heading south towards home) I saw something that offered a glimpse of the generosity and kindness of others on our planet.

On a busy four lane highway I spotted a car trying to drive backwards on the shoulder of the road.. I was thinking "What is this crazy person doing??" There were transports to the left of me, transports to the right.. transports zipping past me at a high rate of speed going the other way and this PERSON going backwards!

I had yet to reach him and saw that he'd flung open his drivers door and was quickly walking to the back of the car...

and there... trying to cross the highway..

...was a turtle...

I got a glimpse of him as I past, reaching down to grab the turtle... and in the rear view mirror he walked the creature to the side of the ditch and I got one last look at him while he deposited the turtle into the water.. far away from the rushing traffic.

I hope one day this person stumbles across my blog and reads this, and finds out that this act of kindness was a gift to more than that little turtle.

Thanks "Turtle Hero"...

Here's hoping it's a smart turtle and found another way across to the other side...

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